How to Add Subject Lines to Mailto: Links

How to Add Subject Lines to Mailto: Links

You're probably already aware that you can create links that open up an email with the address populated. There's more you can do for your users.

Standard Mailto: Links

<a href=""></a>
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To spice things up you can chain on attributes, just like a URL query string. The first part of the chain is started with the question mark (?) and any other parts of the chain are added following an ampersand (&).

Add a Subject Line

<a href=""></a>
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We could stop there, but maybe we are using the mailto: link to identify leads or qualify them in some way. Better let a few team members know:

Throw in a Carbon Copy or a Blind Carbon Copy

<a href=""></a>
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Write the Email for Them

<a href=""></a>
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While you won't be writing a full 3-paragraph email with pictures, this is a helpful trick that adds a bit of delight to your busy users.